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Downloading and Compiling Contract

In this section, we will download a sample contract, compile to it to wasm binary executable.

Please first review the client setup instructions, and configure and verify a client.

Compiling and Testing Contract#

Let's download the repo in which we collect cw-examples and try out an existing simple name service contract where mimics a name service marketplace on tgrade. You can run any CosmWasm smart contract on Tgrade network. We picked this contract due to its simplicity. First, clone the repo and try to build the wasm bundle:

# get the codegit clone cw-examplesgit fetch --tagsgit checkout nameservice-0.11.0cd nameservice
cargo wasm

After this compiles, it should produce a file in target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cw_nameservice.wasm. A quick ls -lh should show around 1.7MB. This is a release build, but not stripped of all unneeded code. To produce a much smaller version, you can run this which tells the compiler to strip all unused code out:

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm

This produces a file around 160kB. We use this and another optimizer in the next last section to produce the final product uploaded to the blockchain. You don't need to worry about running this yourself (unless you are curious), but you should have an idea of the final size of your contract this way.

Unit Tests#

Let's try running the unit tests:

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo unit-test

After some compilation steps, you should see:

running 15 teststest coin_helpers::test::assert_sent_sufficient_coin_works ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_register_already_taken_name ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_register_wrong_fee_denom ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_register_insufficient_fees ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_transfer_from_nonowner ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_transfer_non_existent ... oktest tests::tests::proper_init_no_fees ... oktest tests::tests::fails_on_transfer_insufficient_fees ... oktest tests::tests::register_available_name_and_query_works ... oktest tests::tests::proper_init_with_fees ... oktest tests::tests::register_available_name_and_query_works_with_fees ... oktest tests::tests::register_available_name_fails_with_invalid_name ... oktest tests::tests::returns_empty_on_query_unregistered_name ... oktest tests::tests::transfer_works_with_fees ... oktest tests::tests::transfer_works ... ok
test result: ok. 15 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 will provide you with full stack traces on any error, which is super useful. This only works for unit tests (which test native rust code, not the compiled wasm). Also, if you want to know where cargo wasm and cargo unit-test come from, they are just aliases defined in .cargo/config. Take a look there to understand the cargo flags more.

Optimized Compilation#

Optimized Compilation process will provide a binary ready to be deployed on a network. Smart contract binary size must be as small as possible for reduced gas cost. This will not only cost less on deployment, also for every single interaction. Simply, optimize production code using cosmwasm/rust-optimizer. rust-optimizer also produces reproducible builds of smart contracts. This means third parties can verify the contract is actually the claimed code.

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \  cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.11.5

Binary will be at artifacts and its size will be 137k.